Be easier on yourself, darling.
You don’t have to be perfect in anyone’s eyes but your own, and even then we are all perfectly imperfect.
You are enough, and you are loved more than you know.
You are magic. You are beautiful. You are Light. You are love.
There is no need to worry, because you have, and are, everything you will ever need.
Strength, Abundance, Opportunity, Passion, Beauty.
These things are all within you. Maybe you have forgotten, or the world has convinced you of otherwise over time…that is okay. Remember to see what is truly within you. Know it and hold it closer now, for you are all you need to be. The world needs that special something that only you have. You may not know what that is, but look deeper. Something inside of you knows.
Release your stress, and release any pain you’re holding.
Let go, and give yourself love. Find peace with your trust, and just be.
Everything and more will come to you if you ask to be shown the way.


~Riley Reign 

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