You are a soul, connected to a body.
You are strong and powerful.
With feet to carry you, lungs to breathe with, and a beating heart to keep you going for every waking day.
You have hands to create with a brain to think with – what even is thinking??!!! Amazing! That’s what!!
You have the power to be kind, to give love, and to forgive. You have a light within you to guide you and shine through.
You are unique. You are powerful. You are beautiful in a million of your very own ways.
You are here. You are breathing. You are potential to be fulfilled.
Your path is one of a kind, where mistakes are okay, necessary even to learn and grow in mind, body, and soul. Do not be fearful, for you are supported fully.
You Are Alive.
Take a deep breath and grow taller, stronger, and brighter.
Take risks and be brave. Grab those dreams of yours and own them with all your heart and soul. Take this all and run with it.

~Riley Reign

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