Today I asked my oracle cards what I should write about, and the card that came up was Envy. I was a little bit confused about this, because that isn’t something I have really experienced recently. After meditating with the card for a bit though, I was drawn to the mantra it offered: I am the same as everybody but with different challenges. I mentioned vast simplicity in yesterdays blog, and this theme continues to show up today. Can you see and feel the vast simplicity within that mantra?
We’re human, we’re not perfect (even though we are), and we judge each other for that alot. A lot more than we truly ever need to. I think our society is definitely in need of looking in the mirror, especially when it comes to our toxic judgements against each other. You see, judgement is a learned thing, we are not born into any kind of negativity (judgement, scarcity mindset, depression, etc.) and just as we learned it (intentionally or not) it is time we unlearn it.
It is time we let go of our judgement, and come back to what is most important. I recently attended an event that had a lot of judgement surrounding it, and as I was getting ready for this event earlier in the day I thought of all of the things I had heard from the attendees. All of the judgements, and assumptions, and it all stemmed from curiosity, but it was misaligned. In the car on the way to this event I said to some of the people around me, “You know, we’ve been incredibly judgemental. Are you guys aware of how not okay that is?” After some observation and reflection I’ve got to say, this felt so wrong of us to do.

“Who fucking cares about the details of this,” I said, “As long as they are happy that is all that matters to me.” Because that is what is important, and in that realization I found myself freer than before. I was able to enjoy and have compassion toward an event I had not even wanted to attend beforehand. I am reminded of some wisdom Gabby Bernstein once shared with me that went something along the lines of, “The words don’t matter, it’s the energy that is most important.” Which I think relates to this reflection on judgement. The details, the physicalities, those things don’t matter. What matters is that the person, place, or thing that we are judging is experiencing or serving the highest good.
There is a level of universal understanding that you’ll find when you release your judgements of others, as well as yourself. You will grow more compassion, because you will see that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. You will allow yourself to be more powerful, because you will see where you are giving away your power, you will step back into that space, and you will be able to show up in the best way you can. You will see that we are all just walking our paths and experiencing our journey’s in the best way we can, and that all that matters is if we are happy and serving the highest good of ourselves and those around us.
I invite you to release your judgemental thoughts or feelings in the comments of this blog, and share how free you feel afterward as well.
~Riley Reign
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