How to Create Your Self-Improvement Practice

It seems to be more than just a trend these days to follow a path of self-improvement or personal-development, but what’s all the fuss about? The importance of being authentic and of integrity is becoming more and more valuable, and I think this both influences and is inspired to grow by the “self-help” niche and lifestyle. This blog is for anyone looking to begin their journey toward their highest potential, but before we start, I want to make sure we get your intentions aligned.

This kind of personal work should never be started from a place of comparison or trying to boost the Ego. If you wish to begin a practice of self-improvement, please have your intentions in alignment. Do not begin this work from a place of, “I want to better myself so I can get attention from others around me.” but instead from a mindset of, “I want to better myself, for myself. I want to see how much I can grow.” If you come from a space of the latter, your expectations of the process and the reality of the process will likely not be what you originally wanted.

Now that your intentions are sorted, let’s chat about what your practice may look like. This begins with one key: your practice will not look like everyone else’s. Your experiences and lessons will be personal, tailored to you and what you need to learn, when you need to learn it. You may follow an incredibly creative space of self-improvement, you may be more inspired by a very spiritual side of things, or you may be super practical and impactful with your practice (I see Tony Robbins vibes with this one). You might explore meditation, healing crystals, and energy work, or you might dive into the creative process and how to maximize your creativity, or maybe perhaps you’ll explore mindfulness techniques and lessons of compassion.

Let your journey be just what it is… Yours.

So how do you start a life project like this? WHERE do you start?! “There are so many books, speakers, thought leaders, seminars, events, and courses I don’t know what would be best for me!” I can see your concern already. Here’s the best advice I have to offer you. Start simple. Be intentional. Trust your intuition.

You do know what you need the most, you do know who you want to learn with and from first, and you know what will be the simplest first step for you on your personal journey. Honor it all.

If you’re just starting out, don’t go listen to Abraham (Hicks) about manifestation or the Universe… unless you know in your heart of hearts that that’s what you need and will benefit most from in your journey right now.  If you’re a reader, start with a book. If you’re more visual, head to youtube right now! If you like hands on learning, it’s time to get to one of those amazing events you’ve probably had on your vision board at least once in the last 1o years.

A few mindful tips before you begin…

  1. Be gentle!
    Be gentle with yourself on this journey and throughout this process. Do not speak to yourself in a way that you wouldn’t speak to your best friend. Yes, you most definitely need to be real with yourself when you aren’t showing up in the way(s) you may need or want to. At the same time, support yourself. Allow yourself to be supported. Be gentle with yourself, because this is hard work, and you deserve to be your own cheerleader.
  2. Know when to push yourself.
    You’ll know when you aren’t doing what you need to be doing to experience the growth and results you desire. Which means, you’ll know when to push yourself. All while remaining supportive.
  3. Everything happens in Divine Timing.
    If you’re really struggling with something, or when you feel like you’ve hit a wall, just know that everything happens in Divine Timing. You are exactly where you need to be in your journey at all times, even if it really feels terribly sucky. You will get where you need to go, and if you aren’t there yet it may be because the timing isn’t quite right yet. Be patient.
  4. Always be open.
    To learn properly, you must be open. To retain that lesson and apply it to your big beautiful life, you must be open. You may be uncomfortable, pushed out of your comfort zone, and you still must do your absolute best to stay as open as you can. Both energetically, and mindfully.


Some tools that may help you start off on the right foot or get super charged inspired:

If you already have a self-improvement practice, sound off in the comments below and share with us how this has changed your life for the better! If you don’t have a practice yet, but are excited to start, share with us what you’re most excited to (hopefully) learn on this path.

Enjoy your journey!!!

~Riley Reign

I am so THRILLED to announce that the 2018 class of Inspired Transformation is coming up and I would love for you to join us! If you join the waitlist below, I am giving away ONE free enrollment into the course this year, and if you join the waitlist you’ll be entered to win that experience. For more information about the Inspired Transformation 6 week course, and the free enrollment raffle, join the waitlist below.   


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