Love Your Darkness // A Gentle Reminder

Love your Darkness, for through it you will find light. You will learn and you will grow. You will be taught and you will come to teach.
Love your Darkness, for it never intended to hurt you, it only ever wanted to help you learn
and become better. It never intended to bring you down, it only wants to teach you how to rise up.
You don’t have to like your darkness or the experiences you go through with it. At the very least though you love your Darkness, hold gratitude for it. Show it understanding and love just as it is, for all that it is.
Love your Darkness for keeping you balanced, love your darkness for teaching you balance.
Love your Darkness for loving you, enough to learn your path and explore on your own, and still being there when you don’t know.
For in the midst of the madness saying, “You’re going to be fine. Just be patient.”
Love your Darkness because it is a part of you, and to truly wholly love yourself you must accept and love all of you
Love your Darkness because it does not deserve to be hated.
Because whether you want to accredit it or not, your Darkness has taught you the most about life and who you are, who you wish to become.
Love your Darkness because it is equal to your Spirit + Soul
It is equal to your light.
Love your Darkness for it is teaching you strength, it is teaching you understanding, it is teaching you love.

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