You needed a hand up once.. maybe you even feel that you’re in need of one right now?
And just as much as you needed it then, or feel that you need it now, someone feeling lower than you is looking up at your magical energy, praying that their blessing will come to them, possibly even hoping it is you. Do you see a bit of yourself in that perception? The potential we know is within them but feel is out of reach?
Now think of the person who noticed you, and decided to be there for you (consciously or subconsciously, doesn’t matter) when you needed it.. What do you think they saw in you? That same Potential, Love, Light, and Life?
You are a hand up to someone, just as someone else is to you. And that which goes around, will always come back around. So give love, give light and support, tell those who need it all that they are.
Just think of how much MORE magical the world would be if we all lifted up, loved, and supported others daily.
So when you see someone feeling low, or living in a low energetic & vibrational sort of place, help to raise them up. Even if it’s ever so slightly.Love them up, and support them with the foundation of your love & higher wisdom. And when you need it back, it will come to you in its perfect timing, as the perfect opportunity…. Divinely placed & yours for the taking.
~Riley Reign
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