Why Everyone Needs a Mentor, and How Having One Will Improve Your Life

I know the self-improvement, personal-development, and spiritual growth niche is trendy (to a fault) these days, which can be a big turn off to many, but I am here to bring a realness to the options of perspective and opinion for you. I’m not here to tell you to go railing into your fears and limiting beliefs like the hulk in search for self-actualization, we’re all human and we could all do better. I think mentors help us to both be human and do better, which I believe is why this blog is calling to be shared today.

Everyone needs someone to reflect to them what is true, right or wrong, and what direction is the one that has the most aligned opportunity for the individual. It is easy to lose our visions, goals, and dreams when Life brings up a possible new direction, or an easier way of living (i.e. an abundant but not fulfilling or passionate job, etc.) and having a mentor that can be that person of reflection for you is so valuable. It is these people who will have a great deal of respect and understanding for what it is you are working toward in the world, and their support is both wildly heartwarming and real.

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A mentor is not only valuable because of their support to you and your truth, they will be 100% honest with you and often times know you and your super powers better than you know them yourself. A mentor will see where you can serve the most powerfully, impactfully, and successfully, and they will guide you into that spotlight whether you realize it or not. They see things within you and about you that you may never claim or imagine you would encompass and they drive you to stand tall in that magic and play to your strengths in a really powerful way.

While they are doing this, consciously or not, they are also supporting you with their heart on their sleeve, and they hold space for you as you navigate your journey of Life. Don’t be fooled though, they will see when you are ready and in need of a leap of faith, and they’ll remind you of what you know you need to do — jump. They support and allow your journey, and they know what you are made of and expect nothing less than that magic.

We need a mentor (or a network of mentors) so that when we begin to doubt or fear our ideas or capabilities, we can lean into their validation and support to give us the extra courage or gusto we need to get after what we want. These mentors bring you not only the extra courage you may need, but they also bring you back to what you already know within your soul is the way or answer. When you can be supported like that, you can carry yourself into anything you wish to do, be, or experience successfully.

Your mentor may be very different from you, but there is alot of kindred energy. The relationship may be a very formal mentor to mentee relationship, or perhaps your greatest mentor is your brother or childhood friend and it’s completely by osmosis. I invite you to observe your experience(s) with mentorship this week for a moment now, and share your observations and realizations below in the comments. Perhaps take a moment of celebration for your mentor(s) and reach out to let them know how appreciative you are of their support.

If you’ve yet to find yourself a mentor like a relationship, I invite you to take advantage of my donation based Intuitive Mentoring here! The donation basis will expire July 31st, so be quick and schedule your first session with me before it’s too late! Click here to find more information, my schedule, as well as testimonials from previous clients.

~Riley Reign

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