Why Intention Should Be Your Focus This New Years

New Years is undoubtedly my favorite time of the year and it breaks my heart to see so many lovely people fail themselves and their goals, so this year I invite you to begin your goals in a different way than before — with Intention. Intention is something I see lacking in our culture often. As a culture of nice things, materialism, and being mostly inauthentic I feel like these are the reasons we fail our own goals and resolutions. Our goals and resolutions often do not even resonate with us. They often don’t have clarity.

So I invite you to look at the resolutions you think you’ll be making this year, and look at why you are making them. Truly, deeply, why are you making these resolutions? What do they serve? Why do you want these things to realize into your life? And then ask yourself the kicker, do these things truly, deeply align with me and my feelings?

Some things may completely align for you, and some might not. This is where Intention comes into play. The things that align and feel right likely have clear and aligned intentions, while the other goals and resolutions will not. When one begins something with clear concise intentions, they are beginning with power.

When your focus is on intention more than it is on the outcome, there is deep clarity that stems from that focus. And when one can keep their focus on their intentions rather than a possible negativity that may be arising within a goal’s realizing, that persons focus on their intentions can consistently inspire them and  motivate them by purpose, rather than the material thing itself.

Intention is such a simple perspective switch that can invoke so much power into a manifestation or realization of something. That little switch in perspective can make or break how smooth and sweet or rough and sweaty the journey is of creating and achieving something. Danielle Laporte’s book The Desire Map is a fabulous resource and tool for any who need help setting intentional and aligned goals/resolutions.

Happy Intentional goal setting!


~Riley Reign

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