We think that when we can’t seem to find our way in this lifetime that we are losing ourselves.
Or that we have lost ourselves.
We can never lose ourselves.
We can only lose our sense of self.
When the pressures of the world feel too much our focus gets scattered.
Understandably so.
Our stressors and scarcity mindsets trigger, and our vision gets muddled.
We lose our sense of self. Become unbalanced.
What we seem to keep forgetting though is that we can regain our balance, rather easily and quickly.
You are always with yourself at the core of you, your identity, your truths, your passions will always be with you,
They will always be there to come back to.
To ground into.
You were born with your purpose, and your intuition as your compass.
You cannot lose yourself, because when it comes down to it you are always with yourself.
If you feel lost go within, meet yourself t a nice coffee shop, have a chat and catch up.
Reminde yourself of your goals, you visions, and dreams
Move forward with clarity and assurance regained.
You cannot lose yourself
Remember your greatness, magic, and potential.
Your magnificence and light
Go out into the world and own that, claim that,
Be all of that and more.

~Riley Reign

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