A Guide to Tuning into Your Intuition

I recently wrote a blog about how to tell your intuition + ego apart, and I think know would be a good time to go deeper into the exploration of Intuition. Defining the line between Intuition, Ego, and Resistance can sometimes be incredibly difficult. I am here to tell you that it doesn’t need to be. Which is exactly why I have created this guide to tuning in! I know, it can be hard sometimes to decipher the difference between Intuition and Ego, but with some small mindset shifts and key points of awareness it can get a lot easier to not only be connected to your Intuition but to know what is really intuitive and what is really resistance at work.


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Know your Intuitive voice

Your Intuition will never be upset with you. Intuition will never bully you, make you feel less than, or discourage you from doing something that truly feels good to you on a soul level. This is where you begin to tune into your Intuition from a really strong and safe space. To acknowledge that the kinder of the inner voices is your Intuition allows you to recognize its presence, learn its tone, and open up more to it’s lessons and guidance.

In a speech, Steven Spielberg recently spoke on finding yourself and said, “Your intuition is different from your conscience. They work in tandem, but here is the distinction, your conscience shouts, “Here’s what you should do!” while your intuition whispers, “Here is what you could do.” Listen to the voice that tells you what you could do. Nothing will define your character more than that.” I have to completely agree with this statement, because it is from knowing our intuitive voice and being able to follow it wholeheartedly that allows us to live in true authenticity.

Keeping connected will keep your awareness strong

To then listen to your Intuition, deeply listen, from a heart and soul space, will deepen your connection to its presence. To trust your Intuition will also deepen your connection to it. And it is this kind of connection that will help you become more aware of and in tune with your Intuitive guidance. It is work keeping that connection solid, building upon it even, but it will be the foundation of your relationship with your intuition and keeping that foundation strong is incredibly important.

This means to practice an awareness and mindfulness of what your thoughts are saying, what thoughts you choose to feed into or listen to, and what thoughts are destructive or productive. It is this kind of practice of awareness and intentional listening (or not listening) that will teach you how to follow your inner guidance with confidence. Learning the differences and pros and cons between your own inner voices will grant you a vault of knowledge that you can return to if there comes a time where you aren’t exactly sure which voice is intuitive and which is resistant or Ego.

Trust where your Intuition guides you

Your Intuition will likely take you into uncharted waters if you allow it to, meaning, if you listen to the guidance and follow it’s whispers with inspired action. This never looks quite like you may expect it to, either. Sometimes your Intuition will guide you exactly where you would think, and other times it may tell you to follow your fear and this is where the distinction between Intuition and resistance can get tricky.

This is because your Intuition is going to guide you toward your highest potential and towards an outcome that supports the highest good of all. The Intuition will always guide us towards growth and expansion rather than safety and comfortability, though sometimes safety and comfortability will be aligned, or more important depending on the situation. Which is a great reminder, to follow your intuition with confidence and trust does not mean there will not be risk or uncomfortably along the way. It is also important to know that when you are following the guidance of your Intuition you are always safe, even when you feel like you might not be.

When you are really struggling to decipher where your thoughts are coming from and trying to lead you, do a gut check. Literally check in with your body, maybe in your stomach or heart space, and try out the different options. How does each option feel physically? Take note of anything that feels restrictive and tight, and anything that feels expansive and bright (even if you’re afraid of some piece of this option it will still feel very abundant). Follow the one that lights you up and builds you up, and throw anything that keeps your presence small or weak in the trash.

Intentionally dismiss the Ego

When you begin to listen to, key into, and trust in your Intuition you may notice your Ego having a panic attack. The Ego will flare up, become louder, and likely fight a little bit more aggressively. The first thing to know about this is that it is completely natural and okay. The second thing to know is that if you want to successfully and diligently serve your Intuition, you now need to intentionally dismiss your Ego. This means to very purposefully take actions inspired by your intuitive guidance from a place of awareness and intention

I mentioned this kind of awareness would help keep you connected with your intuition earlier, and it is also important to note that this kind of awareness and intentionality will also be crucial to expanding your trust in your intuition, as well as in quieting the fearful voice of the Ego.

Keep listening. Especially when it sounds silly.

Your Intuition will always guide you toward the light, but sometimes its ways of doing so may seem a little… well, weird. This is when it becomes especially important to listen to and follow that guidance, because these seemingly weird experiences often become our greatest and most impactful lessons. It is these kinds of lessons you will lean on further down the line in your journey to find peace, strength, and confidence in your place when you are working on even bigger lessons and goals.

We call practices a practice for a reason, and the kinship with your Intuition is no exception to that rule. It is a journey, it takes a learning curve, and sometimes it will challenge you like you couldn’t imagine. Keep listening. Keep following the whispers of what you could do. Keep doing that which brings you and creates for others more light.

How has this guide to tuning into your Intuition helped bring you clarity, inspiration, and empowerment? Let me know in the comments below what this article has been able to bring you, or if you have any questions about Intuition and your personal relationship to yours.


~Riley Reign


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