May your Holiday be filled with love and light.
May judgement and negativity be absent from your home, or the home you are staying in for the occasion.
May you hold an awareness in clear sight, joy, and gratitude. May your space for love, light, kindness, compassion, and understanding expand.
May you receive blessings and give blessings in abundance and light.
May the Holiday remind you of the definition of unconditional; teaching and reminding you of how life should feel everyday.
May you ride on this joywave into the New Year setting bright intentions, opening the gate with strength, determination, light, courage, grace, and powerful manifestation.
May you make peace with your darkness and allow it to shine.
May you give and receive healing through words exchanged, hugs, a listening heart, understanding, and compassion.
May you release all that which no longer serves you, and welcome change and newness with open arms.
May you start fresh with a most-positive outlook.
~Riley Reign
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