No matter how far you stray from your truth and authenticity, I want you to know that there is always a way back home.

It doesn’t matter where you are in your life – age, philosophy, mental state, etc. – there is always a way to navigate back to your souls purpose. If you are unhappy and aren’t being fulfilled the way you need to be, or should be, you have the power to change your story. The cards tell us what is currently/will manifest, but we can always change the outcome. Start writing the next chapter and make a huge change.

Sometimes when you stop following the easiest path, and rather follow your heart’s desires instead of all kinds of new opportunities open and begin to flood into your life.

So, if you are getting that intuitive whisper that things need to shift, but you are afraid to make the moves to inspire that change because where you are ‘works’, know (that anything that needs change and a shift is not working properly) that there is always a way back home.

*Home, by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros just starting playing as I was writing, I encourage you to go listen to that song if you need some inspiration or motivation*

Don’t be afraid to change the direction you are moving. Especially if you’re needing to move back toward your authenticity.

~Riley Reign

(pssssttt… Like the vibes? Support the Content!)

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