I know this will be a touchy topic for some, so allow me to make a little disclaimer right now. I believe in personal truth. Everyone has their own path, their own beliefs that they find feel right or truthful. I will honor you and whatever you have chosen for yourself, and I ask that you do the same for everyone who chooses to spend their time here at Spirit + Soul. I do not want the comment thread to become a endless cycle of arguments. So please, with the utmost compassion, you do you and let others do them. Now, you’re here because you’re probably curious about my beliefs and perspective. So, why do I prefer the term ‘The Divine/Universe’ over ‘God/Source/Creator’?
Before I get too into my reasoning for choosing my preferred terminology, I feel I should give you a little run down of my spiritual beliefs and where I stand. I highly believe in re-incarnation, I do not believe in God or a deity that created anything, and I highly trust in and go off of my intuitive higher self + feelings. I am open to everything, but that is where I am right now and it feels very right to my inner most self. Who knows, all of those beliefs may change (just don’t purposefully try to change them thanks).
I am very intune with my soul, and my intuition, and I listen to the both on a daily basis. They are my compass and I am trusting in them wholeheartedly. I have been very privileged to have and experience many a lengthy conversation about life and what The Universe/Divine/God/Source/Creator looks like (and means) with many people I deeply admire and respect. In these conversations I have found 1 main reason for my choice of wording regarding The Universe/Divine/God/Source/Creator. One set of terms feels right, and one feels not so right. Let me elaborate.
Every time I hear or speak the words The Divine/Universe it feels right. It feels like home. These conversations are not always comfortable, but this wording feels (physically + mentally) right. It makes sense to me. It feels expansive, open, in heart space, and in alignment. It feels expansive and abundant.
When I hear or speak about God/Source/Creator, what He wants and means, what His bible is about, it all feels off. In a big, unsettling way. It doesn’t make sense to me or feel good. It feels claustrophobic, boxy, and limiting. I don’t believe in spiritual limits, that doesn’t sit right with me. This wording feels out of alignment, out of heart space (light) and too far into head space (ego). It feels limited and fear based.
I believe that truthfully we have no concept or wording that can touch what the Divine truly is or what it encompasses. We can think and feel that we have found it, but none of us truly know anything, and I’ve yet to meet someone who can properly show otherwise. All we know is what feels right to us, and we should honor that within everybody.
I chose my wording because it feels right. God/Source/Creator doesn’t feel right or good to me. Source I can get away with using on occasion, sometimes it works, it is a term that I rarely use though because is not quite there. In life, things should feel aligned always, they should feel right to your soul. No matter the influence of anyone else’s opinions/beliefs/’truths’.
More people should be authentic to their souls, what is right + true to them without hesitation or apprehension caused by “what other people believe and hold sacred”.
~Riley Reign
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