6 Ways To Keep The Creativity Flowing

Writers block, artists block, creative blocks of any kind are no fun. Period. CAn I tell you a secret though? Creativity doesn’t always get to be the boss. As Elizabeth Gilbert may say, ” We’re going on a roadtrip, but you don’t get to pick the snacks  or change the music. You don’t even get to sit in the passenger seat.” …

One Simple Tool To Help You Overcome A Scarcity Mindset

The mental state of having scarcity minded beliefs can be a hard habit to break, and sometimes it can be an emotional journey too. Breaking limiting belief patterns and freeing yourself from conditioned beliefs is definitely not an easy process, but it can be incredibly simple and free flowing if you allow it to be. I find that when one …

The Importance of Claiming Your Authenticity

The word ‘authenticity’ has become a buzz-word of sorts recently, and as much as I dislike the buzz-word trend, I think this is an incredibly important topic that our society needs more of. It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the masks we once were no longer work. It’s becoming more meaningful to live out a transparent life, dazzling or incredibly …

How to Embrace Every Life Experience with Love

Life can be kind of crazy sometimes. The ebb and flow, peaks and valleys, dancing with Life, climbing mountains, falling, and sometimes just sitting still. It can be hard to know what all of it means, if it means anything at all. And it can be difficult to navigate how to make things better when they are feeling less than …

The One Mindset That Will Make You Grow The Most

In the process of personal development and spiritual growth it can sometimes be easy to still fall into old patterns of allowing limiting beliefs to both be present and be accepted as if they are true. It can sometimes be hard to recognize these instances and patterns of fear, and it can be even more difficult to break those patterns. …