There is this idea projected upon those who are spiritual or are into spirituality related things – This idea that whatever our practice is, happens no matter what every day.

But there is a reason it is called a practice. Some days we don’t make the time to meditate or do yoga, someday’s we aren’t living in our light space as much as we’d like to. Sometimes we just completely fall out of our practice – be it for a day or two, a week, a month or even a year. It happens. And sure, it doesn’t have to happen that way, it does (because we let it, let’s be honest). Our practice slips our mind, or we just don’t feel that we’re in the proper mindset or vibration to get back into it again.

And falling out of our practice isn’t something to feel bad about, or ashamed about. It shouldn’t make you feel like less than, not worthy, or un-capable. It is a practice for a reason, sometimes things get in the way and test us. Sometimes we need to learn and root a little deeper. It’s those days that we don’t feel we should practice that we probably could benefit from it most. Whether our practice is meditation, yoga, a daily walk, writing, etc.

Maybe the reason we fall out of these practices is so that we can remember how much they truly do benefit us, so we can re-learn why we use them for our well being. Each person has their own journey and reasoning for why they do what they do. What we read online and in other blog posts (i.e. 10 Reasons You Should/Need To Do *insert activity here*!) won’t be exactly what we experience,  why we choose to do such practice, or what we are supposed to learn from our practice.

A big thing in spiritual lifestyles is Mindful Living. So fall out of your practice, it’s totally okay. Be mindful though, of any changes in your day to day life – attitude, energy levels, manifestations- notice what changes,  if/when you do slip out of practice.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Choosing to make that time for yourself can be one of the most important pieces of our lives, whether it’s just that one time or every day until our practice becomes our natural routine.

So, tomorrow, step back into your practice gently if you fell out of it, and root deeper, feed your soul.


~Riley Reign

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