How To Create Your Mindful Morning Routine

I have a deep love for simple practices that make a powerful impact, and the morning routine has the potential to be one of those practices. This past New Year I began navigating what my mindful morning routine would look + feel like for me. Now that my practice has realized itself, I want to help you find your groove! That is why I am writing today about how to create your mindful morning routine.

The morning routine is something most people often find rather dull and repetitive. What if you could have a routine that centered you, helped you connect deeper with your Source, and start you off in the right energy to have a smooth and peaceful day, nearly every day?

This possibility is more than attainable. This year I have a lot of work to do to achieve the goals I will achieve… Don’t we all? That workload can often feel heavy, overwhelming, and stressful. Possibly so much so that it makes you back away from doing the work that needs to be done?

I felt that way the last few months of 2016 and knew I needed something to shift in a big way. That is when I got the message that I needed to get my shit together, and it needed to start with my first actions in the morning. Below are the steps I took to find my perfect practice. I guarantee these steps will help you find your practice, too.

Decide What You Want ~

Decide what you want your practice to look like, feel like, smell like. Get into all of the little details of what you want to feel, do, and experience on a daily basis with this practice. Now, this is likely not going to be exactly how your practice will begin, or unravel for you. It will however give a clear message to the Universe of what you feel you need to succeed.

Begin Your Navigation With Openness ~

I say navigation for a reason. Starting your practice of the mindful routine will be an exploration of what works for you and what just plain doesn’t. I wanted to wake up a 6:30 every morning, start my meditation, move into my journaling, and then have my computer work done by noon. My practice looks nothing like that.

I get up earlier, but not at 6:30. I meditate and journal to start off my day, but not right when I wake up (I will fall asleep everytime). I get my work done by 12, but not noon. I am not a morning person,  though I could force myself to be one.

However, forcing myself makes my practice feel like a chore, and I want it to feel free flowing and divinely guided. I have to honor my natural tendencies so that my practice has the space to feel the way I want it to feel, and manifest the things I want it to manifest.

Listen To The Signs ~

Your practice will become it’s own synergetic vision blended with your vision. This creates space for magic. Do not kick yourself for not waking up early enough, or not having gotten dressed until noon,etc. That kind of resistance will keep you from finding your blissful experience that you crave.

I kicked myself for not waking up early enough, for about 2 weeks I kept hitting that snooze button and feeling shameful immediately afterwards. I got tired of that pattern and I let it go.

I saw the pattern as a sign that I needed to open up, because I was feeling that resistance big time. We all want our practices to flow, but many aren’t willing or aware that we have to flow with them at times.

Be Fiercely Dedicated ~

Nothing will work if you are not dedicated fiercely, and unforgivingly committed. Show up everyday. Wholeheartedly. With love. And openness. And gentleness.


These are the steps I took to shift my life to where I wanted it to be — to where I needed it to be. I hope this insight helps you create a practice of your own that brings your life into a more divinely guided and supported space. If you like these tips, or if you have a powerful experience with them, please comment your experience below!


~Riley Reign


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