The Universe Has Your Back, by Gabrielle Bernstein // Books That Changed My Life

Welcome to the very 1st installment of this month’s Books That Changed My Life! This week’s book may just be my top favorite of all the books I will speak of. Today’s book is The Universe Has Your Back from one of my idols, the ever so beautiful and wise Gabby Bernstein. This little creation here is the book that inspired me to theme this month!

The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear Into Faith is a lesson of leaning into Love and gaining certainty in your beliefs and trust in the Divine. says, “In her latest book, The Universe Has Your Back, New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein teaches readers how to transform their fear into faith in order to live a divinely guided life. Each story and lesson in the book guides readers to release the blocks to what they most long for: happiness, security, and clear direction. The lessons help readers relinquish the need to control so they can relax into a sense of certainty and freedom. Readers will learn to stop chasing life and truly live.”  

Just as Rebecca Campbell, Danielle LaPorte (hint at another author that will be featured this month), and others are huge inspirations to me, Gabrielle Bernstein is definitely one of the top 3. Her work came to me at a time when I really needed it, and her presence guided me to Rebecca, Danielle, and some others of the like. This woman has surely inspired who I am today, and if I could meet the wisdom and magic she has one day I would be honored.

The Universe Has Your Back is, like I mentioned previously, all about leaning into love. The tools and lessons in this book have effected my life like no other (this is Gabby’s best book in my opinion). I preach alot of love, compassion, and kindness. I myself struggle with that often, too.

The Universe Has Your Back completely obliterated my blocks and said, “Walk your damn talk, girl. Get to work on this.” And a huge shift occurred in the way that I showed up to life, and to my actions. I have a certain adoration for simplicity within wisdom. I think that the simplest wisdom is the most Universal, as well as the most powerful, and this book is an AMAZING example of what I love about simple, universal wisdom.


To single out a tool from the book that has hugely impacted my life and practice, the Kundalini Creation Meditation that Gabby suggests for manifestation completely shifted how I visualized my desires. I now visualize more intuitively, and with a level of intensity and clarity that I hadn’t quite touched before. Though I really wanted to, I couldn’t get my practice quite right. The Creation Meditation just opened everything up in a way I wasn’t sure was possible for me.

Gabby’s story, journey, and teachings are so awe-inspiring, and I could easily say I owe the woman I am today to her work. If you have never read any of Gabby’s books before, I would definitely recommend this one first. And, if you’re just dipping your toes in spiritual exploration I would recommend this one even more so. Both because Gabby’s writing and teachings are SO universal and simple, and because her energy is incredibly easy to fall in love with.

~Riley Reign

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