Transformation Inspirations : Lexi Schaffer

I am so overjoyed to share this weeks Transformation Inspiration, my dear friend and mentor Lexi Schaffer, and her story with you today. Lexi is one of the most in alignment, in her power, and successful as hell female entrepreneurs that I know, and she is so much more than meets the eye.

Lexi Schaffer  is the business strategist, success coach and marketing expert entrepreneurs call when they need help branding themselves, getting visible online and creating multiple streams of income so they can finally earn their worth WITHOUT burnout or overwhelm. And she is damn good at it!


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Now let me get out of the way so Lexi can share her story with you!

My journey in spirituality and personal development started accidentally after dealing with an array of sports injuries (of all things) in High School.

I was told I ‘needed’ back surgery and that there were no other options for me. Luckily, I was stubborn, a healer but a learner. I dived into the world of alternative healing and found yoga. Through developing a regular yoga practice and learning how emotional health and nutrition influences our physical capacity to heal, I was able to avoid back surgery entirely.
It was a very natural next step for me to become a certified holistic health coach and yoga teacher. I taught yoga throughout college and took on private holistic health coaching clients part-time.
My self-belief when it came to entrepreneurship, however was at an all time low. I was pursing my undergraduate degree in marketing and I tried desperately to fit the mold of society’s expectation of me and dove head first into corporate.
It wasn’t long after that my Inc. 5000 job spiritually broke me. I worked directly with the Vice President in a top marketing position but I was still left unfulfilled. I knew something had to change and I was determined to make it happen.” ~Lexi Schaffer
What I personally love so much about Lexi is that even though she is a badass business woman, she hasn’t been dehumanized by business, and she holds her intuitive guidance over anything else.
Where were you at before you transformed your life? What was your experience, emotional state, and perspective like?
Prior to entrepreneurship, my life looked the part but internally, I was crushed by the weight of knowing I couldn’t even afford to move out of my parents’ basement. So I took a leap of faith. Within 3 months of leaving my 9-5 I replaced my corporate income. 
During that period of your life, what did you wish for or dream of the most for yourself?
More than anything, I wanted to feel liberated. Liberated from a soul-sucking corporate job that left me passionless and liberated financially, too. I knew I could have both. Passion and money. This might trigger some people… So let me dive deeper. I’ve always known money is a mutual resource. It’s not good or evil. Money gives you the opportunity to take charge, invest in things that matter to you and create a larger impact in the world. This was my dream.
When your life began to change, what caused the shift(s) for you?
I took a total leap of faith when I left my corporate job and a lot of things shifted. All of a sudden I was in charge of my schedule, my clients, my marketing strategy. It was all up to me. This was a huge responsibility. I made sure to prioritize self-care and my spiritual practice before diving into my daily work-grind. I believe by prioritizing self-care my successes were able to multiply in such a short period of time.
What did your transformation look like for you, and how did the experience feel?
I jokingly tell everyone wanting to advance their personal development and spirituality to become an entrepreneur because there’s no way to avoid the mind, body & soul connection when you’re the CEO of your own company. For me, having a dedicated morning routine and spiritual practice helped maximize my intuition and business successes.
What practice, tool, or mindset has been the most meaningful and impactful for you along your journey?
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is the foundation of my personal spiritual practice and I attribute many of my successes in both my personal life and in my business because of this practice. I highly recommend everyone experiences a 40 day meditation practice as well as several Kundalini classes in person to get a better feel for this style of yoga. It’s comprehensive, practical and powerful. I cannot talk higher of this style of yoga and I hope everyone gives it a try at one time or another!
Having gone through the transformation that you have now, what would you say to your past self?
Trust the process, have faith and enjoy each and every day you are alive. Even though you have big dreams and goals there is so much in your present to be grateful for right now.
Where is your life now? What is your experience, emotional state, and perspective like?
Today, I have more clarity than ever before on my mission and vision for my business. I work with entrepreneurs who know that deep down they are limitless, and are done living anything less than their best life. My clients are experts at what they do; they just need to streamline their marketing strategy with a coach who’s been where they are and know the fast-track route to success (that’s where I come in.)
I teach my clients to plug you into their soul’s purpose, brand their unique gifts, master attraction marketing (& then automate it), make sure they’re serving from their highest self and then scale their impact with ease.
I’ve identified my unique skillset and who I’m most equiped to help and it’s my job to help other light workers identify their unique gifts so they can create a larger impact in the world while working less and making more. That is my purpose. What’s yours?
While I am completely and wholeheartedly biased here, I must say I could listen to Lexi share about her experiences and passion all damn day. Her energy is so radiant and infectious! What I love so much about Lexi and her story is this: Lexi has defied “the impossible” and made her life HERS in the exact way she wanted to. If you ever struggle to acknowledge your infiniteness, the power you hold to create your life, or even your belief in yourself that you can try, re-read this interview and get yourself inspired and empowered.

If you’d like to work with Lexi Schaffer personally, you can find the right way to do that for you here. 

~Riley Reign

I am so THRILLED to announce that the 2018 class of Inspired Transformation is coming up and I would love for you to join us! If you join the waitlist below, I am giving away ONE free enrollment into the course this year, and if you join the waitlist you’ll be entered to win that experience. For more information about the Inspired Transformation 6 week course, and the free enrollment raffle, join the waitlist below.   


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